Watch and Listen to Past Services
Would It Be Alright with You if Your Life Got Easier?
Sit with that question for a moment. What comes up? What else is underneath your first reaction? Do you even believe it is possible? Or righteous? Could you consider what might be different in your life, if it did get easier?
Join us along with Rev. Aliza (live and in-person!) for this exploration and introduction to the book that Janette Jordan will be teaching in our Falling Into Ease Class soon!
The Music of Love
Not “feeling the love” so much this February? How could you deepen your experience of both giving and receiving love? Heart connections play a critical role to your well-being during times of commotion, conflict, & confusion.
What occurs that makes you want to share a hug or touch a hand when you are listening to heart-opening music?
Music activates the brain in ways that can support healing and improve mood. Listening to certain types of music can evoke memories of happier times, providing a sense of hope and optimism even when faced with difficult circumstances.
Join us as we welcome Dr. Nancy Little, LUT, who will share how to BE more fully grounded in LOVE during tumultuous times through the power of music sprinkled with LOVE!
Uplift Your Day
All of us have days when we feel “down”. Have you ever felt depressed on days that were cloudy, but perked up when the sun came out? Rev. Ellen Davis joins us to share how she discovered how to uplift her day while attending college, which led her to the transformative principles of Unity.
A Culture of Love
What would the world look like, feel like, be like if it had as its foundation, a culture of love? Rev. Aliza join us virtually to open doorways to new perspectives and possibilities and invite us ALL to be the creators of a new world culture, a world we’d love!
What You See Is What You Get
One of the favorite mantras of Ernest Holmes, founder of Religious Science was: “There is just one Life, that Life is God’s Life, that Life is perfect, that Life is my Life now.” This is certainly in alignment with the first principle of Unity, “There is only one Presence and one Power active as the Universe and in my life. God the Good.” Along with Rev. Lari Goold, we go back to “Spiritual Principles 101” and review the New Thought basic principles we teach.
Cut the Strings
Are you buried under crushing burdens? Projects that are too huge? Schedules that are too complicated? Maybe you are trying to do too much at once – trying to do everything instead of doing something. Join us as we welcome guest speaker, Rev. Janet Ellis to explore how we can find more peace in our lives by freeing ourselves from some of the strings that tie us down.
How to Wake Up in Joy!
What would it be if no matter what we could wake up in joy every singe day?! Knowing joy isn’t the fleeting happiness that comes with external achievements or possessions, let’s rediscover the aliveness of everyday joy together. Join us Sunday as we welcome Licensed Unity Teacher, Gretchel Johnson, as she leads us through this rediscovery of what it means to be in total joy.
White Stone Service
As we kick off the New Year, the White Stone ceremony guides us to receiving a theme or intention for the year. Activating the wisdom of Spirit, Rev. Aliza (liv e and in-person!) will guide us through a process to “receive” our theme/intention. This ceremony is based on an ancient ritual of new beginnings and being blessed with a new name and a fresh start. So perfect for Unity Fort Worth as we usher in a new year and a new era of ministry!
Common Question, Uncommon Answer
A common question, perhaps a perennial question, is some version of why bad things happen to good people. If God is love, then why do bad things happen? If God is love, then why is the world filled with war, violence, and division? It’s challenging to see that God, or love, resides in the midst of darkness. It’s difficult to understand because age-old answers do not satisfy. They never have.
Perhaps it's time to embrace an alternative perspective that transcends traditional religious boundaries. Join us as we welcome Paul Hasselbeck to explore this important topic.
Burning Bowl Service
This Sunday, we gather together for our traditional Burning Bowl Ceremony. We welcome our journey of transition as we release and forgive the old and embrace the new.
Join us for a powerful ceremony, led by Janette Jordan, our Youth & Family Ministries director and Licensed Unity Teacher candidate, supported with enlivening music. Feel free to bring your favorite drums or percussion instruments to participate in community drumming.
Christmas Eve Candlelight Service
Join us at 7:30 PM CT for our annual Christmas Eve Candlelight Service. This year's service explores Jesus' birth story from the point of view of characters involved in the nativity scene, interpreted metaphysically by our YFM Director and future LUT, Janette Jordan, to help us consider the deeper meaning and practical application of the birth story in our modern lives.
Finding JOY and Commonality with Our Neighbors (4th Advent: Joy)
Before we were Christians, we were Jews. Think about that for a moment. We share the Torah (the first five books of our Bible) with the Jewish community. We share building space with the Makom Shelanu Congregation co-founded by Cantor Sheri Allen. And this Sunday, Rev. Aliza and Cantor Sheri will share the pulpit in a joint exploration and dialogue of the similarities of our faiths, finding commonalities with our neighbors in this Christmas and Hanukkah season.
2024 Christmas Concert (3rd Advent: Love)
Join us this Sunday at 1 PM CT for our annual Christmas concert! To celebrate our 3rd Advent: Love, this year's concert theme is "Love is Christmas". You'll hear holiday songs about love and holiday songs you know and love, all performed by our talented music team and Unity Singers. We hope you'll join us in our sanctuary to enjoy it!
Being Peace in Troubled Times (2nd Advent: Peace)
For this season of Advent, Unity has provided a booklet for the season called "Be Not Afraid". Yet in times of change and challenge such as our current national climate is experiencing, many are afraid. How do we not only find the peace of the Christ child during this time, but actively Be the Peace for our world in turmoil? Together with Licensed Unity Teacher, Lesa Walker, let's talk about how our Unity teachings and the story of the coming of The Christ can aide us in "being in the world but not of it."
Hope for the Future (1st Advent: Hope and Faith)
Hope is the first quality in our Advent season, the season of preparation. When we discover hope, we can find faith; when we have faith, we discover peace; with peace comes love, and in the fulfillment of love comes Joy! Advent season moves us along a spiritual journey, from a time of darkness into the LIGHT. Rev. Aliza joins us virtually as we activate hope for our future in the light that we already are. Celebrating 75 years as Unity Fort Worth, we look back with gratitude and forward with hope!
Who Do You Think You Are?
What do you see when you turn the mind’s eye inward upon itself rather than outward toward the world? We will explore this question through the lenses of the comparison of animal consciousness to human self-consciousness, the five essential functions of the self-system, and stage transformations in the levels of self-consciousness leading to the stage Unity refers to as Christ consciousness.
Join us as welcome back Licensed Unity Teacher David Drumm to lead us through this exploration while we enjoy wonderful music, including performances from our Unity Singers, and spend time together in fellowship.
Attitude of Gratitude
Gratitude as a spiritual practice changes everything, from biochemistry to habituated thought patterns. Rev. Aliza joins us in person to explore how to cultivate an Attitude of Gratitude as a spiritual practice, while we enjoy uplifting music and fellowship together.
To BEE or Not to BE
To BEE or Not To BE, that is the question. But BE what or whom? What spiritual message can we learn from bees? Did you know that aerodynamically the body of a bee is not made to fly? Is there a hidden message for us? Perhaps! Rev. Aliza joins us virtually to explore the concepts of “busy as a bee”, single focus, closing the gap, and other insights from the life of bees.