Watch and Listen to Past Services

Sunday Service Lane Smith Sunday Service Lane Smith

Living the Prayers of Our Ancestors

Science says we hold the epigenetic signatures of 11 generations within us. Spirituality says we are all one and can never be separated. It’s the season of the ancestors when “the veils are thin between the worlds.”  What does that mean and why do we honor the ancestors—or even simply remember them?  We’ll explore our oneness in an unusual way this Sunday as we enjoy heartfelt music and time spent together along with guest speaker, Rev. Dr. Ahriana Platten.

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Sunday Service Lane Smith Sunday Service Lane Smith

Focus as a Spiritual Power

We all know and have the experience of being focused and in a flow state. What is focus and how do we cultivate or bring focus to a mind that may be loopy or chaotic? Discover focus as a spiritual principle and how to consciously activate it to increase the flow around you. Join us for an enlightening and empowering message, uplifting music from our music team and Unity Singers, and wonderful time spent together as we celebrate Rodney Huddleston Appreciation Day at UFW! 

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Sunday Service Lane Smith Sunday Service Lane Smith

Creating Light in the Darkness

How does your energy shift as the days become shorter? What inner resistance arises when you want to embrace activities, relationships, and situations that feel outside your comfort zone? Where can you incorporate revitalization strategies to add more brightness to the increasingly darker days of fall?

Join us along with Licensed Unity Teacher, Dr. Nancy Little, to explore how to create radiance that supports your well-being on a profound spiritual level. We will learn a proactive approach that enlivens us and facilitates healing through mindfulness moments.

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Sunday Service Lane Smith Sunday Service Lane Smith

Why We Are the Way We Are

Did you ever wonder why you are the way you are? Or why you believe what you think you believe? Where did those thoughts come from? As we wrap up our Stepping Stones weekend all about our Heritage, Honoring our Past, and Co-creating our Future, we explore the spiritual principles behind it and apply them to our personal lives.

What would you create, if you could create anything you’d love? Rev. Aliza will be live in person to journey with us for this engaging exploration. 

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Sunday Service Lane Smith Sunday Service Lane Smith

The Thinnest Veil: Death is an Illusion

We are together forever even after the breath leaves the body. You are invited to suspend your judgment about death and near death experiences (NDEs), while we look at examples in which death is proven to be an illusion, and what, if anything, Jesus said about death. Licensed Unity Teacher Gretchel Johnson believes we really do transition from one life experience to another and can hardly wait to tell you why!

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Sunday Service Lane Smith Sunday Service Lane Smith

Can We Take the Bible Seriously?

It is often assumed that the way to take the Bible seriously is to take it literally. This talk will challenge that assumption and show how a literal approach to Bible interpretation and a science-based rejection of the Bible have in common a shared assumption that the legitimate function of spiritual literature is to accurately report on facts. We will present as an alternative to those approaches a historical/metaphorical approach to Bible interpretation which emphasizes the way we make meaning out of our life experiences from the standpoints of both the authors and readers of the text. Join us as we explore this topic with Licensed Unity Teacher, David Drumm, while enjoying beautiful music and cherished time together as a community.

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Sunday Service Lane Smith Sunday Service Lane Smith

The Stories We Tell

We all know that power our thoughts hold, but do we realize the power of the stories we tell? Following the telling of our stories during our Sacred Listening Circles workshop on Saturday, August 17th, Rev. Aliza (live and in person!) will share a simple, yet profound way to identify the stories that hold us hostage and how to shift them to a more empowered awareness. Join us an enlightening and freeing service with beautiful music and friendly fellowship!

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Sunday Service Lane Smith Sunday Service Lane Smith

When Being Right Becomes Self-Righteous

We all know that we are right, but when we lead with that, it implies that everyone else is wrong, and we can quickly become self-righteous in our rightness. In this highly charged time of polarities — right/wrong, you/me, us/them — how can we integrate a deeper understanding of our Unity Principles to create connection instead of deepening the chasms of separation? Join Rev. Aliza Bloom Robinson, our Transitional Minister, for an enticing, intriguing exploration that could change your life!

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Sunday Service Lane Smith Sunday Service Lane Smith

Resonant Reflections & Ripples

Are you wanting to feel more peaceful amid external chaos? Hoping to manifest more of your desires as you move through the remainder of 2024? Struggling with conflicting needs as you navigate your daily life?

If so, you are creating an opportunity for deeper discernment and clarity that may feel just outside your reach. Join Dr. Nancy Little, LUT to explore how intentional internal focus can support your well-being on a profound spiritual level.

Learn how to evoke the power and potential of three of Unity’s Twelve Powers to “activate” your life: Release, Imagination and Understanding. Staying true to your inner resonance allows you to empower and align with your heart’s deepest desires.

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Sunday Service Lane Smith Sunday Service Lane Smith

Good News. Great Joy. All People.

In the Gospel of Luke, 2:10, the angel announces Jesus’ birth to the shepherds, “Do not be afraid…I am bringing you good news of great joy for all the people…” However, we rarely think about this directive outside of the Christmas season. For all intents and purposes, it is a “to-do” list: ✔️ Good news. ✔️ Great joy. ✔️ All people.

Join us as we welcome Rev. Kelly Isola and together explore how, by engaging in these three tasks, we open the floodgates of our true nature.

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Sunday Service Lane Smith Sunday Service Lane Smith

Three Keys to (Any) Transition

Transition is another name for change and with every change there comes three key stages. Bringing a light of consciousness and specific practices to a transition helps to create a clear pathway through. In this engaging and inspiring talk with our transitional minister, Rev. Aliza Bloom Robinson, we will discover specific ways to more consciously navigate change. Join us as we begin our journey through transition while enjoying beautiful music from our music team and time spent together in joyful fellowship.

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Sunday Service Lane Smith Sunday Service Lane Smith

Can All Ever be Forgiven?

As the Jewish New Year approaches, Jews embark on a process known as "Teshuvah" or return.  It involves seeking forgiveness for past mistakes, and forgiving others who ask the same of us.  But are there some transgressions which can never be forgiven? Join us as we explore this important Jewish tradition with our guest speaker, Cantor Sheri Allen, while we also enjoy beautiful music and cheerful fellowship.

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Sunday Service Lane Smith Sunday Service Lane Smith

Indivisible and Beautiful

Our Pledge of Allegiance states that as a nation we are indivisible, yet today we see with our human eyes how divided our nation has become. Is this the truth? In New Thought, we focus on the Truth back of the appearances. How do we live in the world, but not of the world, and move through this time of apparent divisiveness? Can we say and really believe that "life is beautiful?" Come explore this topic with guest speaker, Rev. Lari Goold, and enjoy our traditional patriotic music celebrating the independence of the United States of America.

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Sunday Service Guest User Sunday Service Guest User

Is Unity Christian?

There is an ongoing discussion among practitioners in the Unity movement about to what extent Unity should identify itself as Christian. This talk with Licensed Unity Teacher David Drumm will present an approach to that question arising from an examination of the original message of Christianity and the historical development of the Christian tradition through five, and an emerging sixth, cultural paradigm. How should Unity identify itself with regard to this historical progression? Join us as we contemplate with this important question together, as well as enjoy uplifting music and friendly fellowship.

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Sunday Service Guest User Sunday Service Guest User


Are you a joy-spotter? Do you notice and appreciate joy, no matter how small or ordinary they may seem? Join us this Sunday as we welcome Rev. Dr. Paul Hasselbeck and begin to learn how to do this amidst your everyday life.

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Sunday Service Guest User Sunday Service Guest User

Re-homing Dad

Father's day can be a time of mixed emotions regarding the father relationships we have had or maybe haven't had in our lives. With our guest speaker, Licensed Unity Teacher Lesa Walker, we will discuss archetypes of the Father that can help us heal what needs to be healed and live into our own sacred masculine energy as healing agents for the world. Join us this Sunday for an empowering message, heartfelt music, and time spent together as a community.

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