Watch and Listen to Past Services
Holding the High Watch (2/2)
Building upon the first part of Rev. Jean-Marie's lesson on prayer and in retrospect to last Thursday's World Day of Prayer, we will conclude this brief exploration of the Power of Prayer with some ideas for the practical application in our daily lives.
Join us for another inspiring message and wonderful music, and enjoy fellowship and fun with our Second Sunday potluck and Survey Says game.
Holding the High Watch (1/2)
In honor and preparation of this coming Thursday's World Day of Prayer, Rev. Jean-Marie will dive into the practice of prayer and the Power it entails. Over two parts, we will explore some of the differences in prayer practices and how they affect us in our daily lives. And, we will learn about the unique application of Unity's affirmative prayer to remember our Divine Power that lies behind the words, thoughts, feelings, and actions with which we engage. Join us for an inspiring message, beautiful music, and wonderful time shared with one another.