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Growing Up

Continuing with our talk series on Pema Chödrön's "When Things Fall Apart," we'll be focusing on the development of spiritual maturity based on Buddhist Principles with a glimpse into Christianity's approach and that of other religions.

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It’s Never Too Late

This Sunday, we'll continue our exploration of Buddhist Principles and how they are applied in every day life, using Pema Chödrön's "When Things Fall Apart." We will also honor those who have fallen in service to our country with a special service featuring moving music and a meaningful ceremony.

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When Things Fall Apart

Based on Pema Chödrön's book "When Things Fall Apart: Heart Advice for Difficult Times," we will begin our spiritual journey to face the many adversities in our lives with a level of gentleness and kindness we may still be inspired to explore. This Sunday, Jean-Marie will share his take on the first four chapters of Pema Chödrön's book, mixed in with Unity teachings and those of other religions and spiritual practices. You are welcome to read along or just come along for the ride.

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Facing Adversity with Patience and Kindness

Life does not always look the way we believe we desire it to be. Experiencing adversity is a common experience for many of us. Often, we face such adversity with resistance rather than the patience and kindness it deserves.

This Sunday, Jean-Marie will explore how facing adversity with patience and kindness can lead to a greater awareness of how these challenges came about in the first place and how we can choose to let them unfold differently in the future.

Join us this Sunday for another opportunity to remember who and What you truly are by engaging in likeminded fellowship with cookies and care.

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Mother's Day

For this year's Mother's Day, we have something special planned for you. A small token of our appreciation to the Divine Feminine in All will be accompanied by some special music to make this day worth celebrating. Whether you bring your mother, celebrate her or your own motherhood, or simply come by to soak in the Divine Feminine energy, we welcome you.

This Sunday, Jean-Marie continues our exploration of the Divine Feminine lurking within all of us, ready to burst out in the world as powerful and magnificent as we imagine it to be.

Join us for another opportunity to remember who and What we truly are and practice your Divinity in great company and fellowship.

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Discovering the Divine Feminine

This Sunday, we will begin our journey toward Mother's Day in preparation of celebrating the Divine Feminine in all of us. Whether woman, man, or any other gender identification, we all share the same ability to embrace our Divine Feminine in service to us all.

In another two-part series, Jean-Marie will explore with us the benefits we gain from learning to tap into the Divine Feminine in a balanced and uplifting way, while recognizing the Divine Powers that come along with them.

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Cleaning Out Your Mental Closet

This Sunday, Jean-Marie will expand on last Sunday's sermon about the importance of prayer and meditation in not only a daily but consistent moment-to-moment practice. This week, he will elaborate on the practical aspects of such a practice, which often begins with cleaning out our mental closet.

Join us for an inspiring Sunday in person or online with fellow Truth-seekers, heart-moving music, and joyful fellowship.

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On Becoming a Prayer “Warrior”

Prayer is foundational to Unity and many religious and spiritual foundations, and it is likely the most interspiritual practice shared across many divides. To become a prayer "warrior" takes time, dedication, and humility, while it is one of the most meaningful services one can offer to others and the world.

This Sunday, Rev. Jean-Marie will explore the meaning of prayer in Unity and other religions while recognizing the Divine Potential in all of us. Ultimately, prayer is about diving into our Divinity and allowing it to come forth for the sake and Goodness of all.

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Finding Prophecy

Finding prophecy is about understanding the Truth of who and What we are to more easily determine how our lives unfold from moment to moment.

This Sunday, Rev. Jean-Marie will dive into some of the stories about the prophets to offer insight into how we can become God-inspired to engage with the world.

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Easter Sunday Service

This Easter Sunday, we will conclude our exploration of the Holy Week, and how it applies to our daily lives. From the triumphant entry to the washing of the feet, from the breaking of bread to the crucifixion, it all supports our journey to resurrect our true Selves.

Join us and be inspired by your ability to be the Christ Light for yourself and others.

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Palm Sunday Service

Join us this Sunday for a inter-spiritual learning experience. Rabbi Siger will introduce to us the Jewish perspective of Holy Week and how it relates to Passover. Learn about the deeper meanings and traditions of the time and how they can inspire all of us in the here and now.

You are always welcome at Unity Fort Worth, where we inspire with prayer, meditation, music, and spiritual application.

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When the Heart Points to Spirit

This Sunday, we'll conclude our discussion on the four subtle bodies with heart and Spirit. Both are often confused with each other while there is a unique opportunity to celebrate the difference.

Join us this Sunday to learn more about balancing the mind, body, heart, and Spirit for a more meaningful and satisfying spiritual Life.

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When the Heart Points to Spirit

Good things often come in threes... This Sunday, our entire service is musically focused on Jazz while we invited our platform chairs and readers to share inspirational works. We will also welcome our newest members after service and honor and bless them Unity Fort Worth style. And finally, Jean-Marie will continue his discussion on the four subtle bodies, focusing on the physical body in a brief message this week.

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Mind Over Body 2.0

As part of our Lenten series, we will explore the four subtle bodies—mind, body, heart, and Spirit—over the next weeks. This Sunday, Jean-Marie will be talking about the powers of the mind and how they are understood in modern times.

With the power of our minds, we courageously step into our lives in ways that are more aligned with our most cherished desires, whether they may be human or Spirit-based. Regardless of our circumstance, we take charge and bring our very expression of Spirit about.

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Heaven Is Other People (2/2)

In this final part of the two-part series on "Heaven Is Other People," Jean-Marie will continue to explore the scriptural evidence we can gather to suggest that heaven is about the day-to-day experience, contributed by ourselves as well as others.

As we learn to embrace our experiences in open-hearted and mindful ways, we will not only benefit from their uplifting impact but also learn to break free from our own limitations that may have held us back for many years. As a result, we get to choose whether other people are perceived as hell or heaven, which reminds us of our spiritual responsibility.

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Heaven Is Other People (1/2)

When going through difficult times, it is easy to slide into a downward spiral of negativity, seeing the world as a harsh and unforgiving place.

However, what if heaven were other people? What if all it took is a shift in perception and attitude to create heaven on earth?

This Sunday, Jean-Marie discusses the Teachings that we have been given over hundreds and thousands of years that point to the idea that heaven is in our hands now rather than after we have lived our lives.

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Will You Be Mine?

Valentine's Day is the perfect opportunity for us to ask ourselves what the root of our Love is. While many are focused on the celebration of the traditional partnership of romantic lovers, others may find themselves seeking Love in a much broader, unconditional way.

Jean-Marie asks the question "Will you be mine?" not only in the sense of being a good neighbor but also much more introspectively, exploring our ability to celebrate the Love we have for ourselves without falling for self-indulgence or false pride.

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Finding Peace in Ceremony

For millennia, humankind has chosen to engage in ceremony and ritual, many of which have passed the test of time. What may seem different or even odd to some brings much meaning to others. Through ritual and ceremony, we are able to engage with the more subtle energies in our lives, and it is not uncommon to find deep inner Peace when doing so. Jean-Marie expands on the idea of using ceremony and ritual in our spiritual lives, inspired by Scripture and the stories of the great Teachers that came before.

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