Watch and Listen to Past Services
Finding Meaning in Suffering: A Journey of Redemption
This Sunday, we delve into the profound wisdom that emerges from the crucible of suffering, as exemplified in the lives of Siddhartha and Jesus. This lesson explores the transformative power of embracing suffering, finding purpose in adversity, and the concept of redemptive suffering. Through the lens of Siddhartha's encounters with pain and Jesus' ultimate sacrifice, we will discover how suffering can be a catalyst for growth, compassion, and the realization of our true Selves.
Join us as we explore this together and experience heartfelt music and the joy of fellowship with one another.
Unconditional Love: Liberating Hearts from Attachment
This Sunday, we will delve into the transformative power of love, inspired by the stories of Siddhartha and the teachings of Jesus. Together, we will explore the depths of unconditional love, forgiveness, and the liberation that comes from releasing attachment. Drawing from Siddhartha's journey through love and Jesus' radical teachings on love and compassion, we will discover how to cultivate relationships rooted in selflessness and experience the freedom that comes from loving without expectation.
Join us as we continue our journey, and enjoy uplifting music and time breaking bread with fellow Unitics at our second Sunday potluck.
Yesterday, I will do things differently.
It can seem clichΓ© to talk about freedom around Independence Day. We might talk about our ancestors and the fight for freedom, because we want to do things differently. But let's sit with it, and really contemplate what freedom means. Generally, we think of freedom as release from restraint or burden. In Unity, we tend to think of freedom as releasing things or lightening our load. We claim our freedom, yet freedom from what?
Join us this Sunday as we welcome Rev. Kelly Isola and walk through this together to get an expanded view of freedom--that it truly is about interdependence.
Beyond the Illusion: Seeking True Treasure
This Sunday, we examine the allure and deception of materialism through the lens of Siddhartha's journey and the teachings of Jesus. This sermon challenges us to reflect on our own relationship with possessions and worldly desires. Together, we will explore the wisdom of letting go of attachments and seeking treasures that endure beyond the transient nature of material wealth. Through the insights of Siddhartha and the teachings of Jesus, we will discover the path to finding true fulfillment and contentment that transcends the illusions of materialism.
Join us for another inspiring message, beautiful music, and fellowship with friends.
Deepening Our Connection: Embracing Spiritual Disciplines
This sermon invites us to delve into the realm of spiritual practices and disciplines that nurture our relationship with the divine. Drawing from the experiences of Siddhartha's spiritual exploration and Jesus' teachings, we will explore the power of prayer, meditation, and fasting as transformative practices. Together, we will discover how these practices can deepen our connection with the sacred, align our hearts with divine wisdom, and cultivate a life of spiritual abundance.
Join us as we explore together and celebrate the Divine Masculine in all with heartfelt music and friendly fellowship this Father's Day.
Unveiling Wisdom: The Journey Within
Join us as we embark on a journey of self-discovery, inspired by the stories of Siddhartha and the teachings of Jesus. This Sunday, we will explore the profound wisdom that comes from turning inward, seeking truth beyond conventional knowledge, and embracing the transformative power of self-awareness. Through the examples of Siddhartha and Jesus, we will learn how to navigate the path of self-discovery and find profound insights that lead us closer to our true selves.
Share the morning with us as we experience an inspiring message, beautiful music, and wonderful time spent with one another at our potluck lunch and Community Conversations event.
Finding Fulfillment in a Searching World
In this first iteration of the seven-part series, we will explore the universal human quest for meaning and purpose. Drawing inspiration from the story of Siddhartha and the teachings of Jesus, we will delve into the challenges of finding fulfillment in a world that often leaves us longing for something more. Together, we will discover how both Siddhartha and Jesus offer insights and guidance on how to navigate our own search for meaning and find true fulfillment that transcends the empty pursuits of the world.
Join us as we begin this insightful journey together and enjoy wonderful music and fellowship with like-minded people.
Memorial Day Service
As we remember those who have fallen in service to our country we prepare for a meaningful and contemplative service in memory of the sacrifices that have been made. After taking communion together, we commemorate and honor the many who have given their lives with a special candlelight ceremony to recognize the gratitude we share for them and with each other.
Join us for a special service in memorial, accompanied by solemn and yet uplifting music, and followed by true fellowship.
2023 Spring Concert
Enjoy favorites from musicals, performed by our talented music team and Unity Singers.
Unleashing our Spiritual Intuition and Wisdom
Most of us can identify with making some less-than-wise judgments in the past. We cannot undo the past though we could change our attitude about some experiences if we wish.
This Sunday, however, we will focus on elements of our decision-making capacity using our divinely inherited Power of Wisdom.
Join us as we explore ideas and practices to release our spiritual intuition and wisdom, and stay to enjoy food and fellowship at our monthly potluck and wonderful music at our Spring Concert.
Bargaining with God
Sometimes, we approach our spirituality as if there is anything to bargain about it with God, Nature, the Universe, you name it. Instead, we find out that our Truth is inevitable and waiting for us to be expressed with as few limitations as possible.
This Sunday, Jean-Marie will address the relevance of finding ourselves in service to celebrate our uniqueness and contribute to the much grander Idea of World Peace among all of us. The time of bargaining is over as we become ready to embrace who and What we truly are.
Join us this Sunday for an inspirational message, wonderful music, true fellowship, and a special gift to take home.
Seeing Is Relieving, Changing, Loving
All of us have been fooled by someone we trusted, or have expected less out of someone who's capable of righteous deeds and thats why this lesson is imperative. Often we have trouble seeing a person beyond something they have done. For instance, if we see someone bullying a person, we might have difficulty seeing beyond their behavior. They get defined by their worst behavior. To see them completely includes recognizing their bullying and standing against it. This is taking a stand for justice, holding ourselves accountable and holding each other accountable. Seeing a person completely also involves the bully" seeing themselves as more than their bullying. This is known as mercy. Seeing completely is a combination of justice and mercy - noticing the tension between accountability to stop the bullying and our call to love the bully.
Join us this Sunday as we explore this topic with guest speaker, Rev. Kelly Isola, and enjoy wonderful music and time together.
A Fish, a Bird, and the Sea
Many scriptural stories use symbolism to reveal spiritual Truths and teach us how to apply them. Among the most commonly used symbols are fish, birds, and the sea. What do those symbols have to tell us? And how can we learn more about how to apply ancient stories in our daily lives for Good?
Join us this Sunday for another inspirational message, heartfelt music, and uplifting fellowship.
The Omer
This Sunday, we welcome guest speaker, Rabbi Jonathan Siger, who will educate us on the medieval Jewish mystical innovation that transformed an ancient agriculture-inspired counting of days into a roadmap for spiritual engagement and renewal.
Join us for an enriching message, beautiful music, and wonderful time spent together.
Why We (Earth) Care?
Have you ever asked yourself how our spirituality impacts the physical wellbeing of the planet on which we live? While not immediately obvious, the way we relate to our humanity and Spirit matters not only for the Good of our consciousness but also the physicality of our earth (and beyond).
Join us this Sunday for a special take on Earth Day (April 22nd), some inspiring music, and heartfelt fellowship.
Easter Sunday Service
Join us this Easter Sunday for a special service and egg hunt in the Sanctuary. We will celebrate our Christ within as we learn to let our Divinity rise through our own thoughts, feelings, and actions. Our music team has an exciting program prepared for you, including a special performance of our Unity Singers. And, we will take communion together after learning its meaning through Unity's metaphysical lens.
Your carnation with a personal affirmation awaits you as does a moment of fellowship after service during potluck.
Good Friday Service
This Good Friday, we are reflecting on Jesus Christ's last seven words. Learn about the deeper meaning of these words and how they apply in our daily lives today.
Join us for this special service, led by our platform chairs, readers, and Jean-Marie to prepare ourselves for Easter Sunday and the resurrection of our true Spirit.
Palm Sunday Service
Join us for Palm Sunday to celebrate Jesus Christ's triumphant entry into Jerusalem. Learn about the deeper meaning of this story and how it relates to Holy Week, Good Friday, and Easter Sunday.
Join us to receive your personal palm leaf to cherish for the year and engage with like-minded friends in fellowship after service.