Watch and Listen to Past Services

Sunday Service Guest User Sunday Service Guest User

Is Unity Christian?

There is an ongoing discussion among practitioners in the Unity movement about to what extent Unity should identify itself as Christian. This talk with Licensed Unity Teacher David Drumm will present an approach to that question arising from an examination of the original message of Christianity and the historical development of the Christian tradition through five, and an emerging sixth, cultural paradigm. How should Unity identify itself with regard to this historical progression? Join us as we contemplate with this important question together, as well as enjoy uplifting music and friendly fellowship.

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Sunday Service Guest User Sunday Service Guest User


Are you a joy-spotter? Do you notice and appreciate joy, no matter how small or ordinary they may seem? Join us this Sunday as we welcome Rev. Dr. Paul Hasselbeck and begin to learn how to do this amidst your everyday life.

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Sunday Service Guest User Sunday Service Guest User

Re-homing Dad

Father's day can be a time of mixed emotions regarding the father relationships we have had or maybe haven't had in our lives. With our guest speaker, Licensed Unity Teacher Lesa Walker, we will discuss archetypes of the Father that can help us heal what needs to be healed and live into our own sacred masculine energy as healing agents for the world. Join us this Sunday for an empowering message, heartfelt music, and time spent together as a community.

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Sunday Service Guest User Sunday Service Guest User

Say YES!

This Sunday, we welcome guest speaker, Licensed Unity Teacher Gretchel Johnson, and together we will explore how to implement the divine powers of Love, Faith, Wisdom, and Understanding to manifest everyday prosperity. Join us for our service at 1 PM for a positive and inspiring message, uplifting music, and friendly fellowship.

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Sunday Service Guest User Sunday Service Guest User

Embracing Awe in Everyday Life

We often assume that we only experience awe from monumental events, such as the birth of a child, a total eclipse, or standing at the base of a giant Redwood tree that has been around for thousands of years. On the contrary, it is now believed by scientists, theologians, and others that we can create awe in our day-to-day “ordinary” lives. Join us this Sunday as we welcome guest speaker, Pamela Sybert, LUT, and explore the different types of awe and how it can transform us mentally, physically, and spiritually.

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Sunday Service Guest User Sunday Service Guest User

Harmonizing the Elements

Today we live in a world where the natural elements are more and more out of balance. But do we pay attention to how the ancient five elements - of Ether, Air, Fire, Water and Earth - are balanced in our own lives? Drawing on her 30+ year study of Kundalini Yoga, Ek Ong Kaar Khalsa Michaud will share her perspective on how we can relate to the ancient concept of the elements and help create healing for ourselves and for our world. Join us this Sunday for an inspiring message and heart-felt music as we spend time together.

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Sunday Service Guest User Sunday Service Guest User

Baptism with Fire (Accepting the Holy Spirit with Love)

On his last Sunday message, perfectly aligned with Pentecost Holiday, Rev. Jean-Marie will dive into the crucial time and meaning of the Holy Spirit descending on the disciples. What does this mean for us? And what can we learn from it as we continue heal from any hurt, pain, or suffering?

Join us this Sunday as we celebrate Rev. Jean-Marie's tenure at UFW while listening to some inspiring music and recognizing our love for this community in fellowship.

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Sunday Service Guest User Sunday Service Guest User

Understanding Love (How to truly Love one another)

Many of us know and strive toward the number one commandment to Love one another. At the same time, just as many if not all often fail to follow the commandment consistently.

This Sunday, Rev. Jean-Marie, closing in on his last Sunday message at UFW on May 19, will explore more deeply how we can successfully fall in Love with ourselves and others while remaining authentic and humble, all of which is the lesson to learn toward healing.

Join us this Sunday for a lasting experience that touches the hearts and minds in perfect harmony, accompagniedd by our wonderful music team and followed by the fellowship of likeminded. We all deserve it.

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Sunday Service Guest User Sunday Service Guest User

True Peace Unfold

Continuing on our healing journey over the next few weeks, Rev. Jean-Marie will expand on last week's talk about healing through Wholeness by establishing the ultimate goal of our healing journey: Peace. 

Join us this Sunday for an exploration and exercise in true Peace unfolding throughout our healing journey while masterfully touched by our music team and fellowship after service.

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Sunday Service Guest User Sunday Service Guest User

Healing Through Wholeness

Conventional wisdom dictates that external factors must somehow initiate and sustain healing. In contrast, some believe that applying one's inner Strength and Understanding of perfect Health and Wholeness is at the core of every healing journey.

This Sunday, Rev. Jean-Marie will dive into the topic of healing from a Wholeness perspective to initiate a future void of limiting residues for a community to embrace what is to come rather than be bound by its inhibiting past.

Join us this Sunday for a revealing insight into the inner workings of Spirit in support of our healing journey, sprinkled with the heart-felt songs performed by our music team, and followed by some exciting fellowship.

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Rock-N-Roll Sunday Guest User Rock-N-Roll Sunday Guest User

Rock-N-Roll Sunday: The Beatles

This Sunday, we enjoy a time-honored Unity Fort Worth tradition: Rock-N-Roll Sunday! Join us for our first Rock-N-Roll Sunday in our new home as our talented music team performs songs by the Beatles, mingled with heartfelt readings from our platform chair team and readers. We look forward to celebrating the joy and beauty of musical expression with you!

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Sunday Service Guest User Sunday Service Guest User

Saying Goodbye

Saying goodbye is not always easy, especially when confronted with the uncertainty of how to navigate the unknown. During such times, we may lack the vision of allowing the possibility to ascend ourselves into new ways of Existence.

There is wisdom in allowing the process of saying goodbye to be one of multiple occurrences over time so that the healing and forgiveness can adequately precede the openness and curiosity of a new and thriving future.

Join us this Sunday as we commence the celebration of transitioning from one to the next and even brighter era of our community, accompanied by our wonderful music team, and followed by engaging fellowship.

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Special Sunday Service Guest User Special Sunday Service Guest User

Easter Sunday Service

Join us this Easter Sunday for a special service and egg hunt, including special performances from our Unity Singers. We will celebrate our Christ within as we learn to let our Divinity rise through our own thoughts, feelings, and actions. We will take communion together after learning its meaning through Unity's metaphysical lens, and you will receive your carnation with a personal affirmation.

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Special Service Guest User Special Service Guest User

Good Friday Service

This Good Friday, we are reflecting on Jesus Christ's last seven words. Learn about the deeper meaning of these words and how they apply in our daily lives today. 

Join us for this special service at 7 PM CT, led by our platform chairs, readers, and Rev. Jean-Marie to prepare ourselves for Easter Sunday and the resurrection of our true Spirit.

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Sunday Service Guest User Sunday Service Guest User

Palm Sunday Service

Join us for Palm Sunday to celebrate Jesus Christ's triumphant entry into Jerusalem. Learn about the deeper meaning of this story and how it relates to Holy Week, Good Friday, and Easter Sunday.

Join us to receive your personal palm leaf to cherish for the year and engage with like-minded friends in fellowship after service.

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Sunday Service Guest User Sunday Service Guest User

Know Who You Are: Awaken to Your Divine Identity

Do you question the value that you bring to life as a unique expression of the Divine? Have you wondered if you are truly expressing your full potential? How could you more fully embrace your magnificence?

Join us as we welcome guest speaker, Dr. Nancy Little, Licensed Unity Teacher, as she explores foundational Unity principles that proclaim your innate Goodness as a birthright. Drawing from Unity wisdom teachers and her own experiences, Dr. Nancy will share enlightening steps to illuminate your inherent worthiness and to facilitate a greater expression of your Divinity.

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Sunday Service Guest User Sunday Service Guest User

The Fundamentals of Islamic Creed

This Sunday, we welcome Imam Moujahed Bakhach as our guest speaker and will together explore the Timelessness of God and what that means within the context of Islamic teachings.

Join us as we enrich our spiritual understanding and enjoy beautiful music while spending time together.

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