Dr. Nancy Little

A Licensed Professional Counselor (LPC) since 1983 in Texas, Dr. Nancy Little counseled thousands of clients in her part-time private practice and her counseling position at the University of North Texas (UNT). As a professional speaker, author, and on-line trainer, Dr. Little leads both virtual and in-person programs on mental health and wellness-related topics as a consultant.

Through Dr. Little’s empowering messages, her attendees boost self-awareness, generate a proactive mindset, and release attachment to unhealthy habits. She has supported thousands of clients to change behaviors, revamp attitudes, and engage in life-enhancing choices.

Dr. Little earned the designation of Licensed Unity Teacher (LUT) in 2012 and serves as the spiritual leader of Unity Spirit of Aloha (USoA). Unity Spirit of Aloha is an alternative Unity ministry, approved by Unity Worldwide Ministries (UWM) in 2014. She speaks throughout North America in Unity communities, both virtually and in person.

As a faculty member for the Unity Worldwide Spiritual Institute (UWSI), Dr. Little developed the content for the UWSI Self-Care course in 2017 and taught the on-line class. Dr. Little published her second book, Energy Sparks to Recharge, Refresh & Revitalize in 2020, and her book was designated as the required text for her class. Dr. Little served on the Unity South Central Region board for four years, and the Unity Leadership Recruitment and Development team for eight years.

Dr. Little earned the designation of professional member of the National Speakers Association (NSA) in 2016 and has made significant contributions through her varied leadership roles. Currently, she holds the position of Immediate Past President of the NSA Kentucky chapter.

Dr. Little actively participates in Leadership Women (LW) programs and was invited to join the LW Philanthropic Planning Council in 2019. Her passion for philanthropy extends to the University of Kentucky (UK), where she will begin her second term on the Leadership Council of Women and Philanthropy.

Dr. Little earned her BA and MS degrees from UK and her PhD from UNT. She teaches courses for the University of North Texas (UNT) Osher Lifelong Learning Institute regularly.

Messages with Dr. Nancy Little


Imam Moujahed Bakhach


Pamela Sybert, LUT