Today’s Daily Word is “Guidance.”
Denial & Affirmation: I release any worry or concern around my ability to discern my Goodness, and I guide myself along the path of right living and being.
Scripture: Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path.—Psalm 119:105
The simple idea of guiding ourselves, as we can read in today’s affirmation, is often of great concern to many. Often, the reason for this is that we grow up learning about a God figure outside of ourselves guiding us somewhat mysteriously and inconspicuously. And even if we no longer believe in a separate God or use a different word to describe the Indescribable, we still fall back into the embedded theology of wanting the Universe, Spirit, Truth, Nature, etc. to guide us.
However, if we continue to outsource our guidance system, we have not evolved much from our earlier thinking and beliefs, whether we embrace Oneness or not. We are still giving up responsibility and authority to something that we cannot fathom. Instead, if we truly welcome our Divinity in perfect Oneness with God as Principle, we would know that there cannot be anything that is guiding us independently, regardless of what name we may give to Her/Him/It/Them/etc.
The affirmation of such Oneness can be a challenging prospect. Suddenly, we are left with the only guidance system that truly works and matters: Us! With that realization comes, of course, much authority, and, simultaneously, great responsibility. This spiritual carte blanche to be the sole director of our choices as the activity of the Divine holds much Power, and it can serve for the good or bad in our lives. If we make choices coming from a place of lack, limitation, judgment, worry, regret, etc., we are misguided by these very attitudes and our system needs readjustment or it will misfire. But if we realize the Divinity and Perfection of our Beingness, we are guiding our lives toward true Goodness in the best possible and imaginable sense. The choice is ours to make. No one else is or can be responsible.
It is imperative for us to learn discernment between coming from error thinking or Truth. Unity teaches the tools of prayer, meditation, denials and affirmations for Truth realizations to take place. Beyond those tools are many other practices that can be learned, following the same Principles and with the same effectiveness. The important thing is to realize that we must practice and start incorporating Truth realizations in our daily lives. Only then can we maintain a working guidance system that will bless us beyond our imagination. And all of our work to become masters in using those spiritual tools will be worth it.
Maybe this week you choose one tool that you have learned over the past few weeks and months and make an effort to increase its practice. Become more mindful and determined to implement it in your daily life. Practice makes perfect, because practice will lead you to the realization that you already are Perfect. And if you are unsure or unfamiliar with any of these tools, reach out to your spiritual community. Talk to your peers, leaders, teachers, and ministers. Support is all around you. Simply reach out and ask for help. You are worth it and deserve it!
And so it is. Amen.
Rev. Jean-Marie Schweizer
Senior Minister Unity Fort Worth