Unity and World Religions

As a wrap-up to our 2022 Fall Program, we will review our learning by taking a birds-eye view of the discussed religions compared to Unity, attempting to answer some foundational questions, such as "Where does Unity stand on making God part of our lives?" or "How do we practice Unity Teachings within another religion we may primarily follow?" or "Is Unity compatible with my current beliefs?"
Join us this Sunday as we contemplate these questions and celebrate the completion of our fall program.
2022 Fall Program
Participate in our seven-week community-wide study of the book Unity and World Religions, written by former UFW minister Rev. Paul John Roach. This will be a wonderful opportunity to learn about the major religions of the world through the lens of Unity’s teachings. Visit our 2022 Fall Program page to learn more about the study, purchase the book, and join a group to take your study deeper.
Sermon Notes
Sermons in this Series