Watch and Listen to Past Services
Love Bears All Things
3rd Advent: Love
With the 3rd advent focusing on Love, we will learn more about the birth of Jesus Christ and what that means for our spiritual life and journey. Love bears all things inspires the idea that we cannot ever be wrong for being who and What we truly are. Join us this Sunday to learn more about the Strength we bring to our own spiritual unfoldment.
And as always, there is great music and fellowship to enjoy at Unity Fort Worth. Share a favorite dish and time together in our second Sunday potluck, as we await the start of our Christmas concert.
Protecting Our Innocence
2nd Advent: Peace
Continuing our preparation toward the birth of our spiritual consciousness, we learn more about the role of the shepherds visiting the new-born Jesus Christ as a symbol of allowing our spirituality to be born into innocence in need of protection from worldly influences.
Join us for another Sunday filled with a mystical unfoldment of the Christmas story, accompanied by Christmas carols, inspiring music, and followed by precious time shared together in fellowship.
Reclaiming Our Angels' Wings
1st Advent: Hope and Faith
For this first Advent, we will focus on hope and Faith as a spiritual practice, leading us to the birth of our Divinity (Christ) within. As we learn about the meaning of Angel Gabriel appearing to Mother Mary, we commence our journey together from the promise and prophecy of Salvation to the conception and then the ultimate realization of our Divine Expression in life.
As a treat, we will be coordinating our Sunday lessons with our Youth and Family Ministry so that we move into this Holiday season as one community. We invite all families, young and more advanced in age, to join us in Unity for these upcoming weeks.
BE the Thanksgiving You Desire
The start of the holiday season is upon us. Our lives tend to get a lot busier with holiday preparation and celebration. As wonderful as they can be, it can also be a time of overdoing. Join Licensed Unity Teacher Pamela Sybert this Sunday as we explore ways to decrease stress and find more peace by turning to our spiritual practices and embracing humor.
Unity and World Religions
As a wrap-up to our 2022 Fall Program, we will review our learning by taking a birds-eye view of the discussed religions compared to Unity, attempting to answer some foundational questions, such as "Where does Unity stand on making God part of our lives?" or "How do we practice Unity Teachings within another religion we may primarily follow?" or "Is Unity compatible with my current beliefs?" Join us this Sunday as we contemplate these questions and celebrate the completion of our fall program.
Unity and Smorgasbord
This Sunday, we conclude our seven-week 2022 Fall Program studying the book Unity and World Religions, by Rev. Paul John Roach. In our final week, we examine a plethora of other religions and spiritual systems — ancient, indigenous, and modern — that are also part of humanity's rich religious legacy. Join us as we complete our journey of the world's religions.
Unity and Taoism
This Sunday, we continue our seven-week 2022 Fall Program studying the book Unity and World Religions, by Rev. Paul John Roach. Now in our sixth week, we are taking a look at how the beliefs of Taoism relate to Unity teachings. Join us as we continue on this journey of the world's religions and, through them, discover the truth within ourselves.
Unity and Hinduism & Buddhism
This Sunday, we continue our seven-week 2022 Fall Program studying the book Unity and World Religions, by Rev. Paul John Roach. Now in our fifth week, we are taking a look at how the beliefs of Hinduism and Buddhism relate to Unity teachings. Join us as we continue on this journey of the world's religions and, through them, discover the truth within ourselves.
General Faith And Practice of Muslims
This Sunday, we welcome a special guest speaker, Imam Moujahed Bakhach, who will educate us on the general faith and practices of Muslims covering the Articles of Faith, Articles of Duties, and the Lawful and the Prohibited in Islam, as well as the similarities and differences of Islam and other religions, and other topics including Muslims in America and women in Islam.
Join us for this opportunity to dig deeper into Islam and broaden our study of religions around the world.
Unity and Islam
This Sunday, we continue our seven-week 2022 Fall Program studying the book Unity and World Religions, by Rev. Paul John Roach. Now in our third week, we are taking a look at how the beliefs of Islam relate to Unity teachings. Join us as we continue on this journey of the world's religions and, through them, discover the truth within ourselves.
Unity and Judaism
This Sunday, we continue our seven-week 2022 Fall Program studying the book Unity and World Religions, by Rev. Paul John Roach. Now in our second week, we are taking a look at how the beliefs of Judaism relate to Unity teachings. Join us as we embark on this journey of the world's religions and, through them, discover the truth within ourselves.
Unity and Christianity
This Sunday, we begin our seven-week 2022 Fall Program studying the book Unity and World Religions, by Rev. Paul John Roach. In this first week, we are taking a look at how the beliefs of Christianity relate to Unity teachings.
Join us as we embark on this exploration of the world's religions and, through them, discover the truth within ourselves.
Peaceful Living
Join us this Sunday as we welcome a special guest speaker, Bhante Rathmale Sumedha from Brahma Vihara Monastery in Garland, TX. Bhante Sumedha will educate us on peaceful living, according to the teachings of the Buddha.
Holding the High Watch (2/2)
Building upon the first part of Rev. Jean-Marie's lesson on prayer and in retrospect to last Thursday's World Day of Prayer, we will conclude this brief exploration of the Power of Prayer with some ideas for the practical application in our daily lives.
Join us for another inspiring message and wonderful music, and enjoy fellowship and fun with our Second Sunday potluck and Survey Says game.
Holding the High Watch (1/2)
In honor and preparation of this coming Thursday's World Day of Prayer, Rev. Jean-Marie will dive into the practice of prayer and the Power it entails. Over two parts, we will explore some of the differences in prayer practices and how they affect us in our daily lives. And, we will learn about the unique application of Unity's affirmative prayer to remember our Divine Power that lies behind the words, thoughts, feelings, and actions with which we engage. Join us for an inspiring message, beautiful music, and wonderful time shared with one another.
Hippo Birdie Two Ewe Charles Fillmore
If we look at nature, it seems as though most every life form has a sense of purpose. Not consciously perhaps, but life does continue to march forward — always creating, always birthing, always evolving, and therefore, always questioning. It was Charles Fillmore’s birthday August 22, so, together with guest speaker Rev. Kelly Isola, let’s meet the “man behind the curtain". What do you give a man who has everything on his birthday? We shall give him the gift of honoring his commitment to evolutionary thinking and challenging some conventional wisdom.
Join us as we welcome Rev. Kelly Isola for an inspiring message, and enjoy beautiful music and the opportunity to spend time with friends and loved ones.
The Jewish New Year: Reflection, Repentance, Return.
The Jewish High Holy Days are a time of looking inward, assessing our behavior, and doing the work of Teshuvah: or making amends for mistakes we've made during the past year. Cantor Sheri Allen will focus on how the holidays of Rosh HaShanah (the Jewish New Year) and Yom Kippur (the day of Atonement) differ from our secular New Year's celebrations, and how the traditions and rituals surrounding these "Days of Awe" create meaningful memories, inspire internal growth and change, and help us to set new goals in the year to come.
Join us for an enriching message, beautiful music, and friendly fellowship.
My Inner Critic
Meet my inner critic… maybe you have one too! This presentation is about identifying the inner critic and what to do about it. Self-awareness and self-compassion are key. What is self-compassion? How do we do it? Why is it important in your spiritual journey?
Join us on Sunday for an inspiring message and music, and enjoy food & fellowship at our Second Sunday Potluck after service.